静岡市・用宗漁港のクラフトビール醸造所「West Coast Brewing(WCB)」。
醸造所の真向かいに位置する、『The Villa & Barrel Lounge』は、“ブルワリーに泊まれる”をコンセプトとしたWCB直営のホテルです。全5部屋とミニマムな客室を備え、館内1階ではフレッシュなクラフトビールが常時10液種前後お楽しみいただけるタップルームの営業も。時間をかけて樽熟成させた希少なBarrel Aged Beerの試飲ができる、バレルラウンジも併設しています。
Come for the beer – stay for the hospitality. Our goal at WCB is not only to craft exceptional artisanal hoppy delights, but also to provide you with the tools to enjoy them to their absolute maximum. This means the closer to the source the better, and while you’re at it why not stay with us for a while? Surrounded on one side by mountains and the other by the Pacific Ocean, Mochimune is now center stage for our next passion project – The Villa & Barrel Lounge.
The VillaはじめWCBでは、海と山に囲まれた自然豊かなロケーションのもと、オーナーの故郷でもあるアメリカのクラフトビール造りを目指しています。他の国内ブルワリーとは一線を画したコンセプトで、ここでしか飲めない本場のクラフトビールを提供いたします。
The Villa is a 5-room guest house adjacent to the brewery, featuring a tap in each room with a Villa Room Exclusive WCB brew, a mini-bar loaded with cans and bottles of some of our favorite (and perhaps rare?) beers, and beyond the usual amenities some fantastic artwork by KAC to top it off. Head downstairs and you’ll find our new taproom where you can enjoy super fresh WCB offerings on tap as well as an all-day food menu for additional elixir enhancement. The Barrel Lounge is the ideal place to hang and sample some of our barrel-aged offerings or use as your base of operations pre- or post- party. Come stay with the Hop Dude!
Enjoy an in-room tap featuring a Villa Room Exclusive brew (10L max)
Rooms also feature an additional fridge filled with WCB cans and bottles for purchase
Visitors at the Barrel Lounge can enjoy some of our rare and/or unreleased offerings
ホテル真向かいにあるWCBでは、週末(土曜・日曜)のみ醸造所の見学ツアーを開催しています。ご希望のお客様は、下記の「RESERVE NOW」よりご予約ください。こちらは宿泊者以外の方も、ご参加いただけます。
Brewery Tours are available for hotel guests on weekends by reservation only.
Dates:Saturday/Sunday (with exception) 11am start (10:30 check-in)
Tour Time:About 1 hour
Fee:3,500jpy (tax included), 1x500mL Can Included in Price
完全予約制 / Reservations Required下記の予約フォームよりお申し込みください。